Sunday, January 23, 2011

Starting Today

So I decided to go ahead and start the challenge today instead of tomorrow.  Yesterday I went out shopping for the weeks menu.  It did not go well.  I went to 2 stores and didn't find a lot of the stuff I need, so I get to go out again today!  Ugh!

Any who, I added a new page called Stats.  That is where I will post my weight and measurements each week.  I weighed myself this morning and as usual I think my scale is off.  When I go in for doctor visits I always weigh 4-5 pounds more than at home - so that should tell you that my home scale isn't real accurate.  But I will make due with what I have.

As for my husband he gets to have 550 more calories than I do, but with him being laid up in bed and not up to eating a bunch, he is eating what I eat and then also adding in saltines and jello to soothe his stomach. 

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