So yesterday I made two recipes that I have admit I was rather skeptical about. The Tuna Rolls and the Baked Enchiladas. Well I happy to report that I loved them both!!
The Tuna Rolls had you mix tuna just with olive oil and salt and pepper. Which was okay, but rather bland and super "fishy" tasting - where the old method of a ton of mayo calmed that down. But when you layered the tuna on the Boston lettuce along with the sprouts, red pepper and scallions and then dipped them in the sauce - they were awesome. Not to mention how crisp and light they were and frankly the plate was very beautiful.
The same with the Enchiladas. Now Poblanos tend to be rather mild so I also added a jalapeno to the sauce for flavor. And let me tell you there was some off stuff in that sauce - I mean a salsa verde with chicken stock? But it was really good. The only bummer was by adding the jalapeno it made it too spicy for my daughter. She gave it her best effort, but it was too "zippy" as she calls it. So next time I will have to calm it back down (darn it). Seriously though these are delicious and very filling. I didn't miss the 10 gallons of cheese either. The recipe only calls for 12 corn tortillias and they are layered in like a lasagna - killing off tons of calories.
I highly recommend both recipes! They are both in the Cook Yourself Thin book. If you follow the Lifetime link on my links page there are episodes where they make both recipes too.
Great job so far. Mario and I started back on the healthy eating and calorie counting. So i love your ideas. I am now a follower come over to my blog and follow me.