Sunday, February 13, 2011

Getting ready for week 4

So I am down to 126 pounds.  My scale tried to taunt me with 125, but then changed it to 126.  Well that is fine!

I got a new cookbook this weekend on the recommendation of my friend Val.  It is Rocco DiSpirito's Now Eat This.  He takes recipes that are really popular and re-invents them into reasonable calories.  It is amazing how much he can take them down too.  Plus there are recipes that I wouldn't think I could ever have when calorie counting; like Creme Brulee!  He took it from the original 562 calories to just 116!  The one that really got me was the Shrimp Pad Thai (one of my most favorite dishes) from the original of 2,090 calories down to 291 calories!!  Yes you read that right!  This Friday night we are making his Burgers.  He took the idea of a Big Mac and changed it around (which is fine by me), but what I find most intriguing is that he puts Baba Ghanoush on it!  How fabulous does that sound!  I can't wait!

I will let you know how they turn out!

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