Friday, March 15, 2013

One of those great books I was telling you about...

Here is one of the book I was telling you about yesterday.  I found my copy at Costco for $16.99, but Amazon has it as well.  Here is the link

The reason I got this book and love it, is that it is all about making stuff yourself such as:
  • Greek Yogurt
  • Almond Butter
  • Feta Cheese
  • Mexican Chorizo
  • Marinated Artichokes
  • Worcestershire Sauce
  • Graham Crackers
and for you Nutella fans......Chocolate Hazelnut Spread!

The quest for eating healthy isn't just about weight loss, it is about eating better food and knowing what is going into my body.  That is why I like a book like this one.  I can make these staples myself and know exactly what is in them.  I can cut out the unnecessary preservatives, chemicals and fillers.  Let's take Pickle Relish for example:  In d.i.y. cookbook there is nothing in the recipe other than vegetables and seasonings.  However in the bottle from the store the 2nd ingredient is High Fructose Corn Syrup followed by 6 chemical junk and food colorings.  Now I know that the argument is that the preservatives are necessary for shelf life, blah blah blah.  But I can use the simple canning method and the relish will store in sealed jars for 1 year.  Funny note: the expiration date on the store bottle is also 1 year away!  And even better the d.i.y. cookbook's recipe make 4 - 1 cup jars.  Even better - I will save money by making it myself as opposed to purchasing it in the store.  Canning jars and tools are a small investment and I can use them over and over again.

I never understood why people are so scared to try canning.  I always have people say "isn't that hard" or "that's so much work".  Both are myths.  This is my method for water bath canning.  I have the water at a full boil and here I can dip the jars and lids in to sterilize them (another easy way is to run them through the dishwasher - and take them out when they are hot).  This is the same water they get put back into to seal the jars.  Most water bath processing time is about 15-20 minutes.  Then the jars come out, sit on a towel or rack on the counter until cooled to room temperature, and then I put a label on them.  Done Son!  Canning jars and tools are a small investment and I can use them over and over again.  I have learned to put small labels on the lids, so I don't have to deal with scraping labels off jars.  The lid cannot be reused - but don't toss the ring (unless you used a butter knife handle to pound it open like my mom always did - then it isn't' any good any more).

I encourage you to give canning a try.  Start small.  A nice berry jam perhaps.  Take a beautiful afternoon trip to your local Farmer's Market, get yourself some lovely organic berries and come home and can them into a wonderful jam.  Trust me, once you try fresh homemade jam, you won't be able to stand the super sweetened version from the grocery store.  And get the kids in on it.  They will love making jams with you - just like I did with my grandmother as a young girl and as my daughter does today!

And if you have a great recipe you want to share - go for it!  And check out d.i.y. cookbook, it is really cool!

Happy Cooking!

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